3 Common Reasons Barb Fences are Used

Sometimes, barbed-wire fences get a bad rap. They think they are harmful to animals or is only for prisons. The truth is, barb fences have very useful purposes.

At Sierra Structures, we can think of three common reasons why these fences are used:


1. Protecting livestock from predators. 

If you have goats, sheep, cattle, chickens, pigs, etc., and they stay outside, using barbed wire fences helps protect them from predators. Animals such as coyotes, foxes, and other carnivores have to be kept out of your livestock’s feeding and grazing areas. The good news is that those same fences work the other way around by making sure your farmed animals stay inside your property and away from those predators on the outside.

2. Security for your business. 

If your business requires high-security, then placing barbed wire on top of your chain fence provide an extra level of security that keeps shady individuals from climbing your fence and getting inside.

3. It’s cost-effective.

Not only are the materials behind barbed wire less expensive than wood, stone, or other steel fences, but it’s less expensive to install and maintain. Barbed wire can also be moved, re-used or recycled much easier than those other materials.

One thing our customers should keep in mind with barbed wire is that its most effective feature—the sharp edges—contains risk. Clothes can easily snag on it, and children and small pets can get injured if they play too close. Exercise caution when choosing where to install it.

If you decide to install barbed wire, contact us at Sierra Structures for a quote today.